
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. is a modified / derived version of the no longer maintained Tk::CodeText module, by Hans Jeuken. Thank you Hans for doing the hard work in creating a really cool module. CodeText was built on the Tk::TextUndo widget with capabilities of syntax highlighting. Several formats are supported, namely Perl, HTML, Javascript, and Bash. I (Jim Turner), have added several features:

The highlight mechanism however, is of a plugin-type. Adding additional languages should be a matter of writing Tk::TextHighlight::MyLanguage modules or adding plugins to Kate.

The perl syntax module is based on and requires either Syntax::Highlight::Perl or Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved. It will attempt to use Perl::Improved first if it is available, failing that, Syntax::Highlight::Perl will be used.

The PerlCool module was written by Jim Turner and is derived from the Perl syntax module, but uses mustly "cool" colors, ie. blues, greens, violets, etc. instead of the "warm" colors that the "Perl" syntax module uses.

This is the initial release. It has been written and tested on a linux machine, though I have used it on some earlier versions on some m$-based machines. Please try it out on those machines and report your findings back to me.

Not that you didn't know, but you install it like this:

     perl Makefile.PL
     make test

and then as root

     make install

This software comes with no warranty whatsoever.

Original CodeText: February 2003,
Hans Jeuken (

TextHighlight: August 2007,